Truly the EASIEST Artisan Bread -- From Flour to Fabulous!

baking from scratch bread Jan 23, 2025

I've been making this bread for years. One of the transitions I have gone through is that, instead of forming the bread free form, or in a loaf pan and using ice cubes or a dish of water at the bottom of the oven to generate steam, I've taken to placiing the bread in a heavy Dutch Oven or crock. Once I put the lid on, the moisture in the bread generates the steam that is so cruicial to forming that crackly crust we all associate with Artisan-style baking.

One batch of dough can be "held" for up to two weeks and baked successfully. If you start the next batch keeping some of the dough hanging on inside the container, it will develop a more sourdough flavor. Funny true story: when my now Captain hubby was first getting exposed to my cooking and baking, he tried to "do me a favor" by washing out my messy looking bread storage container out. Imagine my horror that he'd now washed out all my "levain" goodness!  Did I give HIM an earful!  I can guarantee you he'll never do another "favor" for me in the galley without checking with me first!



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